Thursday 14 March 2013


Hey readers, I hope you've missed me. I know I have away for a really long time and that I had received emails saying how long my posts are and how short and sweet they should become. So I've heard you and I hope you enjoy this post ;) !

So here's a great post about weather you'll buy the acetone or non-acetone nail polish remover. I get tones of questions about this so here is what I have found on the research I made.

First of all it is important to know what is acetone. This is a strong liquid solvent which is identified by its strong smell in nail salons. This is used to remove nail polish and can also remove artificial nails as it dissolves it all away because of its strong capabilities.

Acetone nail polish remover - it consists of cutex formulas which are patented with emollients that condition and strengthen your nails, which is why you can use cutex regularly without getting dry nails.

Non-acetone nail polish remover - these are regularly used on the removal of nail polish on artificial nails. This is a weaker formula however everything got its ups and downs and the only thing about this is that will take longer to remove the nail polish on your nails rather than using an acetone nail polish remover. Also they tend to have a less stronger smell than other acetones. Top brand u ask me? Cutex (=


Thursday 13 December 2012

- Nail Facts -

So today I decided to do a very interesting blog entry on some nail facts which most I knew about but some took me by surprise.

Finger nails grow faster than toe nails. Finger nails grow at the approximate rate of a half an inch every 100 days. If you bite your nails down to the flesh it takes at least a month to re-grow!

Nails on longer fingers grow faster than nails on short fingers. Nails also grow faster on your dominant hand. So if you must bite your nails, concentrate on the middle finger of your right hand – if you are right handed.

Massaging your finger tips will stimulate nail growth. So does typing on a keyboard.

A man’s nails grow faster than a woman’s. This does not make a man superior! lol

Nails grow much faster during pregnancy.

Dry nails are mostly the result of not drinking enough. Unfortunately only water helps - NOT alcoholic drinks.

Nails grow faster in warm sunny climates than in cold dark places. If you must bite your nails, move to AFRICA or BRAZIL.

The older you are, the slower your nails grow.

People biting nails do this out of habit. There is no medical cure. The only way to stop nail biting is to break the habit!

With love
MJ xx

Tuesday 11 December 2012

- Things you probably didn't know about your Nails -

Did you know...?

  • Fingernails grow three to four times faster than toenails.

  • Toenails are approximately twice as thick as fingernails.

  • The fastest growing nail is the one on your middle finger.

  • The slowest growing nail is your thumb nail.

  • Freshly cut nails grow faster than nails that aren’t cut regularly.

  • Nails grow faster in warmer climates than colder ones.

  • Nails grow faster during the day than at night.

  • Nails grow faster for younger people than older people.

  • Pregnancy causes a spike in nail growth that is not related to prenatal vitamins, contrary to popular belief.

  • You can get a read on your physical health by looking at your nails.

  • Dry nails can be improved by increasing your water intake.

  • Hangnails hurt because you’ve actually ripped open the edge of your nail root.

  • According to Guinness World Records 2011, the world’s longest fingernails belong to a woman named Lee Redmond and total 28 feet, 4.5 inches long. Redmond hasn’t cut her nails since 1979.

  • Nails are actually the same as hair. Both hair and nails are made of the same protein, called keratin.

  • Nails don't sweat. The nail bed does not have sweat glands, so it can't perspire. It is the skin around the nails that gets sweaty.

  • The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. The slowest – on the thumbnail.

  • Cutting your nails after dark is bad luck. Although this is pure superstition, there is enough logic in it – if you cut your nails when there is not enough light, you can injure yourself.

  • It is a myth that hair and nails will continue to grow for several days after death. This is an optical illusion and is due to the fact that the skin shrinks, thus making it look as if the hair and nails are growing.

  • Nail manicure is a very ancient activity. There is evidence that even 4,000 years ago it was known to our predecessors.

  • Hope you found it intere
    sting as much as I did.

    Yours Truly

    Thursday 6 December 2012

    - Does eating fruit affect your nails? -

    Hello readers, this article will be short and sweet, hope you like it ;)

    Eating seasonal fruits can keep the skin nails and hair more beautiful and healthier than going for the options that are artificial.

    Salmon, tuna and mackerel are the sources of unsaturated fatty acids and they also have vitamins B & D which can improve hair and nails.

    Tea with mulberry leaves will give you good complexion.

    Apricot with plenty of lutein helps your skin.

    Clams and pumpkin seeds will make it possible for you to have healthier nails with zinc in them and also Oysters and fish have similar effects

    In the UK pumpkin seeds also well-known as 'Viagra for women'. The recommended intake of pumpkin seeds is 20- 30g for better skin, hair and NAILS. 

    Avocado, which is the rich source of vitamin E and iron good for nails and hair.

    With love,

    Wednesday 5 December 2012

    - Answers to YOUR Questions -

    My nail beds are smooth and pink, but the tips are yellow. What causes this and how can I fix it?

    It sounds like your nail beds are healthy but the tips are stained. The nicotine in cigarettes can turn your nails yellow, but I hope that's not the root of your problem. Instead, I'm going to assume that you're dealing with the most common cause of yellowing: wearing nail polish. To eliminate the stains, lightly buff your unpolished nails and dip your nails into slices of lemon for five or ten minutes. Do the soak every other day until you see an improvement.

    To prevent restaining, use always a base coat before any nail polish, and give your nails a polish-free week every once in a while.
    But what if you're a nonsmoker and a nonpolisher? Then the staining may be due to aging. For that inevitable condition, run a whitening pencil under the tips. However if none of the above works, consult a dermatologist. Rarely yellowing can be caused by an underlying medical condition.

    Sorry for the late post, I have been busy with university work. Hope my answer was helpful ;)

    Yours truly,